Light Crossing Orlovská x Požárnická x U Skleníků Roads including Related Building Modifications of the Požárnická and U Skleníků Roads, Havířov

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A purpose of the order was to improve the traffic and safety of the crossing of the II/475 road (Orlovská) and local roads  Požárnická and U Skleníků, as well as setting conditions for cycle traffic.

CLIENT: Statutory City of Havířov


Building permit documentation to the extent for the execution of the building work  SO 10.2 – Crossing including connected roads. The documentation was divided in two completed parts as follows:

1st part –The whole Požárnická road, crossing, U  Skleníků road till  km 0.11;

2nd part  – U Skleníků road till km 0.11 – km 0.35 stationing

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