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The building scope was based on the project to reduce discharge  NOx  concentrations in waste gases of brown coal burning boilers. A set of primary and secondary measures to denitrification allowing their further operation according to legal requirements effective since 2016 had to be made in four of the six boilers at the Opatovice Power Station. The project is a part of the “Opatovice Ecological Program“. In addition to the mentioned project,  Technoprojekt, a.s. prepared also building permit documentations for the following projects:

Retrofit of the existing desulphurization  (variant 2 – new desulphurization) and reconstruction of the desulphurized waste gases stack (DESOx).

A replacement of existing electro separators.

CLIENT: United Energy Invest, a.s.


  • Building permit documentation,
  • Author´s supervision.
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